Study release and media echo

"There is a continuous slate of articles, features, and other coverage that tackle “disinformation” in light of the super election year of 2024. Again and again people are asking: Can targeted disinformation campaigns manipulate opinions and influence elections? We are obviously asking ourselves these questions, too. At the same time, we want to know in... Continue Reading →

Your Who-Is-Who of Counter-Disinformation Initiatives

Headline after headline is pointing to the critical importance of 2024 as a super election year for democracies around the world. Many of the relevant analyses point to the multifaceted challenges to our electoral processes, including due to digital disinformation campaigns. Thankfully, there are a great number of topical experts, fact-checkers, researchers, innovators, and digital... Continue Reading →

Field results now available

At the beginning of 2023, my team and I kicked off our international research into good practices for countering disinformation online. This research was enriched by regional field engagements, consisting of workshops and bilateral discussions with decision-makers, experts, and relevant stakeholders, who we brought together in one comparatively central location in each region. The goal... Continue Reading →

Launch: Data Knowledge Hub

"Online discourse has changed how we inform ourselves, what and who to trust, as well as how information is quite simply accessed. Notably on online platforms and social media, recommender systems and other design features can be gamed to fuel disinformation, hate speech, and outrage. In addition, messaging services and alternative platforms are increasingly falling... Continue Reading →

Blog: Very Large Online Platforms pledge compliance with DSA – Researchers must put that to a test

Since August 28, very large online platforms (VLOPs) like Instagram, TikTok and co. must comply with the new DSA requirements. Most of the 19 designated platforms and services issued (big) public announcements of their implemented changes. However, whether these hold up is a different matter entirely -- as researchers Martin Degeling and Anna Semanova found... Continue Reading →

Thought Paper Series on Platform Governance

5 papers in 5 months. Since April 2023, my colleague Charlotte Freihse and I have been working with colleagues from the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society on a monthly series of expert workshops and thought papers looking at various topics of platform governance. We developed recommendations on decentralised networks, such as the fediverse, looked... Continue Reading →

Op-Ed: Die Twitter-Alternative, die keine ist

Anfang August 2023 kündigte Meta mit Threads eine dezentrale Alternative an, die mit dem Fediverse kompatibel sein -- und den Einstieg für weniger tech-affine Nutzer:innen erleichtern soll, da die Anmeldung über Instagram erfolgt. Meine Kollegin Charlotte Freihse und ich konnten dies nicht ignorieren und haben uns diese vermeintliche Alternative einmal genauer angesehen. Für den Tagesspiegel... Continue Reading →

Thought paper | Impuls: The Fediverse

How can we reap the potential of the fediverse? Not feeding surveillance capitalism, defending against digital colonialism, breaking with the dynamics of the attention economy -- the promises could hardly be more appealing. But what does it take to build, invest, and nourish a healthy digital space? In this first impulse, I explore options and... Continue Reading →

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